Above Ground Installations (AGIs)

The Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP) is proposing Above Ground Installations (AGIs) as part of the Humber Carbon Capture Pipeline project.

AGIs would be required near each carbon capture project and at intervals along the pipeline. The size and type of equipment which could be needed at each AGI will vary depending on the function it serves.

The AGIs may be made up of a small structure, pipework and a limited amount of equipment which would be securely fenced. Each AGI would also have space for vehicle parking and an access track connecting to the existing road network.

The AGIs would be remotely monitored and operate as un-staffed facilities but would require security and maintenance visits.

A smaller AGI would typically be 30m by 30m. A larger AGI would typically be 80m by 80m. Most equipment contained within the AGIs would be low-level, with some being up to approximately 4m high.

A pumping facility is also required near the coast, north of Easington, to enable the onward transportation of carbon dioxide offshore.

The pumping facility would potentially be larger than the other AGIs – further details will be shared at the next consultation.

The AGIs and pumping facility would be surrounded by planting including trees and shrubs, to enhance the natural environment and screen views from the surrounding area.

Preliminary locations of AGIs and the pumping facility are shown on our website under our proposed pipeline corridor plans. This includes options for the location of the AGIs near Drax and Thorngumbald, which we welcome comments on.

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