The development process

Due to its scale, the Humber Carbon Capture Pipeline project is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008. This means that it will follow a different process to an ordinary planning application and require a Development Consent Order (DCO).

The application for the DCO will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and the final decision will be made by the relevant Secretary of State on behalf of the Government. Local councils and communities have a very important role in helping to inform the evolution of the plans through a process that is set out in the Planning Act 2008 and associated guidance. You can view a timeline of the development process for the Humber Carbon Capture Pipeline project below.

We are working closely with the local community and other stakeholders throughout the planning and construction process. We would seek to manage environmental impacts and work to minimise, as far as practicable, any disruption caused. Information on construction can be found in our project brochure, available on the documents tab of our website here.

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Project timeline


July/August 2024 - Non-statutory consultation


August 2024 - Onsite surveys begin


Late 2024 - EIA scoping


Statutory consultation


DCO submission


Construction begins


Operation begins